Your contribution helps to provide children around the world with books, activities, and educational resources.
I am so glad you stopped by. Making reading fun is what I do!
I love books and I especially enjoy choosing which children’s books I am going to promote.
I love you all so much & never forget how much Jesus loves you!
Let me tell you, as a kid I had a big imagination. Most people do not know this (well they do now if they are reading this post) but I used to love to play dress up and pretend that I was Beyonce. I would lay little scraps of paper around the house pretending that I was signing autographs for my millions of fans. I wanted to be a singer/songwriter, an author, a divorce court judge. I mean I could write out a whole list if you would like me to. Which brings to me why I love this book, “Imagination like mine.”
In this book, we read about a little girl who takes us on a journey that captures her imagination. She imagines herself as a beautiful mermaid, a tree, an eagle, and so much more. This story really made me think of the time when I was your age imagining things. There was no convincing me that I was not going to be the next Beyonce hahaha. It’s funny how our imagination will take us on many different “adventures.”
“An imagination Like Mine runs wild and free, but of all the things I can pretend to be there’s not a thing that’s quite like me.”- Imagination like Mine.
Well, I won’t be the next Beyonce I’ll tell you that hahaha, but I am excited to know that God has a great plan for my life and I will be sharing all of the many accomplishments that have been happening to me so far in a future post.
Be sure to check out the read along to this book on my Youtube channel if you haven’t already!
So kids, What are you imagining today?
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Miss Erica
Miss Erica’s Reading Club