Your contribution helps to provide children around the world with books, activities, and educational resources.
I am so glad you stopped by. Making reading fun is what I do!
I love books and I especially enjoy choosing which children’s books I am going to promote.
I love you all so much & never forget how much Jesus loves you!
First, I would like to say thank you all so much for all of the love that you have all shown to the Ruby Bridges read along on my Youtube channel. I am extremely grateful to have reached over 19,000+ people and it was all God that made this possible!! Because you all have loved the book so much I decided to film an educational video of a few activities that I came up with. Included in the video is a reading activity, true/false game, time line sequence of events, and characteristics of Ruby Bridges.
So, let’s talk a little about what each activity has to offer and then afterwards you can head on over to the kids tab and scroll to where you see the activity videos and watch the video labeled “Ruby Bridges Activities with Miss Erica!”
If you have already have a Ruby Bridges book, have seen the movie, or have learned about her in school then the information in this activity will be more of a “refresher” for you. In this activity, I wanted to highlight some key events of Ruby’s life. She is truly a remarkable lady (I say Lady because now she is much older) and she is hero to us all!
Let me tell you, Canva really came in handy for this activity! I think I had more fun picking out the pictures more than anything else. Any who, if you have already seen the video on YouTube then you already know that this is a true or false game where I will have two pictures on the side with descriptions underneath each picture. For each slide, you must tell me which description is true and which one is false and don’t worry if you get one wrong, I will supply you with all of the answers!
In this activity there is a Timeline present on the screen where you will go through all of the special events of Mrs. Ruby’s life. Now, you must pay close attention during this activity because there might be a few events that are out of order.
Towards the end of the video, I list some of Mrs. Ruby’s characteristics and we also go over a few! If you have any that you can think of, please be sure to add them to your special list as well!!
Well, that’s all I have today kids!!! Keep Reading, ok!
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Miss Erica
Miss Erica’s Reading Club