Your contribution helps to provide children around the world with books, activities, and educational resources.
I am so glad you stopped by. Making reading fun is what I do!
I love books and I especially enjoy choosing which children’s books I am going to promote.
I love you all so much & never forget how much Jesus loves you!
One of my updates include graduating with my master’s in counseling education. This program has seriously taught me so much about counseling and myself as an individual that I am beyond grateful. I have met people who have been such a blessing to my life that it is bittersweet to have to leave. However, I am super excited to begin this new chapter in my life (another exciting update is coming that I will spill later ). To have walked across the stage on May 5th was a very exciting feeling. It will forever be an experience that I will always remember and will continue to thank God for. Everything I do is for him and my students that I serve.
If you would have asked me years ago, I probably would have never told you that school counseling was on my list of career choices. Come to think of it, I don’t think it had ever crossed my mind. Funny how God works. I am super thankful that serving children and creating resources for them was the path God wanted me on because it has been so fun and rewarding all at the same time.
To my parents and all other adults reading this, if your desire is to go back to school… DO IT! To those in school but are wondering if the dream, goal, or time is even worth it… KEEP GOING! YOU’RE ALMOST AT THE FINISH LINE! Because someone needs what you have to offer!
To anyone else who may have graduated or graduation is around the corner, congratulations! Eat all the cake and ice cream you want! And don’t forget about your confetti and streamers.
See ya in my next post!
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Miss Erica
Miss Erica’s Reading Club