Your contribution helps to provide children around the world with books, activities, and educational resources.
I am so glad you stopped by. Making reading fun is what I do!
I love books and I especially enjoy choosing which children’s books I am going to promote.
I love you all so much & never forget how much Jesus loves you!
Welp, it’s official! I am now a full time School Counselor!!!!!! I seriously cannot contain my excitement every time I think about it. This was a journey that I must honestly say was very unexpected, but that’s the funny and neat thing about God. Whenever you have plans, He always has greater ones and His are always better. I recently finished up my last little bit of paper work for my school counselor’s position and the closer the school year gets, the more excited I become. This year, I will have students in grades K-8 and if you have been following me for quite sometime now then this isn’t any news to you!
I am very excited to start this new journey of course and meet all the students. This will be somewhat of a new transition since I am adding on middle school, but I wholeheartedly welcome the challenge! I am also very excited to see how this new school year pans out. As a school counselor, I want to see to it that I am showing up for my students in the best way possible and that I am also serving as a helpful guide in every way. That’s the most enjoyable part right there!
Any-who, I’m going to leave it there because there will be more to come about my school counseling journey in later posts!
See ya soon!
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Miss Erica
Miss Erica’s Reading Club