Your contribution helps to provide children around the world with books, activities, and educational resources.
I am so glad you stopped by. Making reading fun is what I do!
I love books and I especially enjoy choosing which children’s books I am going to promote.
I love you all so much & never forget how much Jesus loves you!
I cannot believe I didn’t upload a video sooner on teaching you all your ABC’s! Any-who, I had so much fun coming up with different pictures that would help you all learn your ABC’s in a very fun way.
Now, let me stop babbling and let’s get into today’s activity!
The Letter A is the first letter of the Alphabet! Does your name start with the letter A? It does, Wow, that is so cool! If your name does not start with the letter A, what letter does your name start with?
Take a look at the picture below and see if you can name all of the items that begin with the letter A!
The items above include an apple, ant, alligator, and an astronaut! Let’s see if you can name all of the pictures for letter B.
What pictures do you see below that start with the letter B?
The first picture is a boat. Next up we have a bee, some books, and a banana.
Can you guess what letter is up next?
Yep, you got it! The next letter is C.
I spy a few pictures below that start with the letter C. Do you know what they are?
You are correct again! Way to go you!
Above we have a coat, a block of cheese, one cupcake, and a happy cat!
Here is the last letter on our Alphabet tour, letter D. Take a look at the picture below and tell me what things you see that start with the letter D.
There’s a dog, a door, a donut, and a dolphin! What color is the dolphin? Yes, the dolphin is blue and your’e right, looks like there is a shade of white on his belly!
If you want to learn more about ABC’s be sure to check out the video on my YouTube page at, Miss Erica’s Reading Club. You can also go over to the kids tab and scroll down to activity videos and click the arrows until you see the video with the thumbnail of ABC’s.
And just like that learning your ABC’s are as easy as 123!!
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Miss Erica
Miss Erica’s Reading Club