Miss Erica’s Reading Club inspires kids to enjoy their journey of reading through story time, reading videos and other activities.
Miss Erica’s Reading Club is here to provide a fun and exciting approach to reading. Here you'll find kids reading videos, activity ideas, and other resources to help your child learn to read.
My goal is to show how activities such as arts & crafts, cooking, etc. can be used to make reading fun.
Ideas and encouragement for using your creative side while reading with your students. Let's take reading outside the box!
Book suggestions, activity ideas, and other resources activities to help you interact with your child effectively.
Let's have fun reading together! Choose from a library of reading videos and activities to do with Miss Erica.
Let's have fun reading together! Choose from a library of reading videos and activities to do with Miss Erica.
Book suggestions, activity ideas, and other resources activities to help you interact with your child effectively.
Ideas and encouragement for using your creative side while reading with your students. Let's take reading outside the box!
Making reading fun is what I do!
I love books and I especially enjoy choosing which children’s
books I am going to promote. I feel like I am a kid all over again
reading these new and exciting books.
I love you all so much & never forget how much Jesus loves you!
“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.”
I want to prove to you and your child that reading is more fun than you think. It is my hope that we can increase that time while they are here exploring my website.
Thank you for your contribution to MISS ERICA'S READING CLUB, INC. You are helping to provide children around the world with books, activities, and educational resources.